We're carrying out stock condition surveys


Between April and July 2023, Ridge and Partners will be visiting properties to carry out a stock condition survey on our behalf.

Why are we doing this?

We’re collecting information on our homes which will from part of our long-term investment programme and to ensure your home is safe for you and your family.

Please note, stock condition surveys are not what you would consider a ‘regular inspection’. The surveys are not about immediate improvements to your home, unless of course there is an immediate risk to you or your family. The information collected will be used for long-term planning and improvement works.

If you have an issue in your home and would like to report any repairs, please do so in the usual way.

How will I know if my home is selected?

If your home has been selected, you’ll receive a letter to let you know. Ridge will be carrying out surveys Monday to Friday between 8am and 6pm.

They will need access to all areas of your home, including your garden if you have one. Some photographs will be taken of the major components of the property.

The surveyors will be carrying a Ridge photo identification card and a letter of authority from us.

We will do our best to work around you. If you are not at home when a surveyor visits, they will leave a calling card asking you to make an appointment. There is no need to call us, or Ridge.

If you have any queries regarding the survey, please call our Contact Centre on 0161 393 7117.

Your Home