Employment service (Directions)
Directions employment service
Are you looking for work? Do you live in one of our properties? Our Directions employment service can support you when you are looking for work, training, volunteering and more.
You will get support from an experienced advisor who will provide access to:
- Training to help increase skills that can help you in the workplace
- Work experience which will include volunteering and work placements
- Help, support and advice for job searching
- Support and advice to build independence and confidence
Training Courses
Our employability training courses are designed to help you feel confident getting into work whether you’ve not worked in a while or are looking to change jobs and want to refresh your skills.
You'll have access to free accredited training that you can work through at your own pace.
To register for an account email directions@fcho.co.uk and we'll sign you up.

For more information
Contact our Directions Team on:
Call: 0161 393 5550
Email: directions@fcho.co.uk