Our Neighbourhood Plans are here! Find out all you need to know about your area


Today we’ve launched our wonderful Neighbourhood Plans.

Following your feedback, each plan has been carefully designed to include everything you said you wanted to know about your area.

There’s 21 plans in total, covering every area of Oldham where we have FCHO homes.

In each plan you will find:

  • Who your Neighbourhood Coordinator and your Neighbourhood Manager is – including photos so you can get to know their friendly faces
  • When your Neighbourhood Coordinator will be in your area, details of their monthly walkabouts and their contact details so you can get in touch with any queries or support you might need
  • Interesting information about your neighbourhood, from the number of homes in your area to local investment in your properties and community initiatives
  • What customers who live in your area think about their homes and what we’re doing to make it a great place to live

So, visit the ‘Your Neighbourhood’ section of our website, find the area you live in and check them out.

Over the next few weeks, we’ll be sharing our plans, introducing our Neighbourhood Coordinators and lots more on our social media channels, so if you’ve not  connected with us already, stay up to date with everything going on in your area and follow us on:

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