Strange energy terms
The wonderful world of strange energy terms
Energy companies love to use terms that can be confusing even for the most experienced of us. The use of these terms can turn people off to reading their energy bills. This guide helps you to understand some of the jargon used.
kWh’s Kilowatt Hours
This is the standard term for a unit of energy. See Energy Series 01 - Understanding Kilowatt Hours for more information.
MPAN - Meter Point Administration Number
This is a 13 digit number that is unique to every supply point. You cannot have an energy meter if you don’t have an MPAN. Some energy providers put the MPAN as a single line on the energy bill. Others combine it with other information.
MPRN - Meter Point Reference Number
This is a 6-10 digit number that identifies the unique gas supply into your home. If you have a gas meter, then you have an MPRN.
DNO - Distribution Network Operator
This is the energy authority that maintains the electric cables in your area. In the North West it is Electricity North West. These are the people you contact in the event of a power cut.

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